Sarah, A Scottish Waltz for Accordion

A favourite tune

Sarah, is a Scottish Waltz tune written by the famous Scottish accordion player, Max Houliston. Max founded the very first Accordion and Fiddle Club in Scotland. In 1965 he opened one in his own licensed premises, The hole in the wa’, in Dumfries.

I first heard this tune played about twenty years ago in the Dee Motel in Aberdeen. It was where the Aberdeen Accordion and Fiddle Club used to meet. Over the years I have noticed that the tune Sarah is a favourite of many accordion players and listeners. We used to play as a waltz at many ceilidh dances years ago.

Lighthearted lockdown ceilidh frustrations

I hope the Lockdown is being good to you and look forward to getting out to play again. We had 40 weddings booked during this Lockdown period. As a result of Corona, all been postponed and a few, unfortunately, cancelled. To make things worse we can’t even get to the Blue Lamp on a Monday night for good traditional music session to clear our heads. We can’t even go busking in the streets to earn a crust.

Without an audience and with the current social distancing laws in place all we can do is stay in, stay safe, and play with ourselves. 😜

I know many of you may have been spending the time jigging away furiously in your living rooms, with the curtains drawn, desperate for the lockdown to end. Itching for a Dashing White Sargeant or a Gay Gordons. I’ve seen you on the internet, strutting your stuff. 😂

Social distancing is difficult as it is against our human instincts. Unfortunately, for the time being, we must put up with it and try to remain positive that better days lie ahead. I am spending my time with family, mastering the art of sourdough bread, putting an internal window to my dark office space, making music and planning our next album. During the Easter holidays, we camped out in the garden, which meant we could we have a campfire and marshmallows! The campfire is the best part about camping in my opinion. It connects us with our ancestral past. I like to watch things burn. 🔥

How you can help musicians with very little effort.

If you would like to help me out during this time please consider becoming a Patron so I can continue to make music. Check out my page and let me know what you think in the comments below. It’s a new avenue for me so creative feedback is helpful. As is hard cash 😎

If you don’t want to become a Patron for now don’t worry. I will survive. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for free and please do so now if you haven’t already. Watch as many videos as you can from start to finish so I can qualify for a share of the ad revenue and my own performance royalties after I reach the 4000 hours annual watch time. I’m about 3400 hours at the moment and I have 1.1K subscribers. A wee push here and there with some extra viewings will make a difference.

All the best folks, stay safe. See you after the Lockdown for an almighty ceilidh.

Oh aye, and now would be a great time to buy a CD…

or download any of our tracks from the internet. See our Cal Records page for CD’s and available downloads.